
     Its the era of super-advanced science and technology! We all have the privilege of enjoying android cell phones, LED TVs, microwave ovens, computers and now that I said computers, I should not forget our very dear friend - Mr.INTERNET. I am pretty sure that most of us switch on our PCs/laptops, connect to the internet and the first thing we do after that is log into Facebook! Its almost like a tradition of this generation and I have to admit that I hardly fail to follow this tradition..
    Facebook is one medium that makes so many aware of almost every other thing happening in our lives. Sharing photographs, status updates, notes, videos, so many applications and games..blah blah..its a big list. If there is nothing very important to do, all we think of is login to Facebook. All credit to the techno-brains! 

      Agreed that Facebook is a huge huge platform that connects people from all around the globe. Yet, there are a few things that I have observed about this mega-hit social networking website and I believe each one of you also would have. 
1. Any event that means a good deal to us is going to make our next status update, that too within a few minutes. (quick enough)
2. Any decent (impressive to be precise) or also crazy photographs that we have are going to be on Facebook the following hour!
3. Any happening incident that has been captured as a video is going to be posted on Facebook ASAP.
4. We enjoy with some close people at some famous place and everyone on Facebook knows it the same day.
5. We please ourselves at some popular restaurant and even the plates' and forks' photographs are available for our fellow Facebookers! :o
6. Last and not the least, in fact, my deepest and most confusing observation, we chat with those people on Facebook for hours, whom we would be, at the most smiling at, when met face to face!
This is something I would even like to elaborate about. We have our families, friends, neighbours, colleagues and many other people to talk to looking into their eyes, and yet, it so happens that we end up talking much more to those people for long long time spans who are not even looking at us. Ever wondered why this happens? 

Everyone has his/her own reasons for this, but I guess the most common reason might be that when we do not have to look at somebody and speak, its almost as if we can do anything we want and not face its consequences that effectively. Its like a shortcut to expressing ourselves with full confidence. Chatting with some people becomes a part of our routines and a day or two without chatting with them doesn't seem very normal. Seems so easy and appealing for all of us, online chatting, whereas we fail to realize that we are losing the charm of having a personal conversation. For instance, you can speak to anyone about anything online, not much of a problem, but when you have to tell your close friend about an eventful incident, you would rather want to call them up, or even better, go visit them! Then why is it that we prefer chatting with some people instead of meeting them and communicating personally? Probably because we get our required time and space to speak our minds openly without worrying what anybody thinks about us. In fact, there are some friends we have whom we totally dedicate only to our chatting lives. 

   One surprising and positive outcome of this online communication is that people who don't usually speak a lot open up on Facebook. Another aspect of it is that even usually expressive people share those things on Facebook which they otherwise never talk about, or at least hesitate to discuss about. We see some unseen and unknown parts of our very close people on Facebook which they never bother to show to us on meeting personally. Not a very easy part of human behaviour to understand.

    Facebook has also become a mini pro-matrimonial website. Oh Yes, it has. You want to know what a person likes and dislikes? Who his/her friends are? What has he/she been doing lately? Go visit their Facebook profile and you know half of their secrets already.Some more interesting facts: nowadays, we use 'kinda' instead of saying 'kind of', we say 'c ya' in place of 'see you', and we have come to accept these words the way we write them during chatting, who knows, the dictionary may have to be edited soon! :D And not to forget the smileys! A sentence without a smiley, does it have anything at all to express? No no, it doesn't. We are so used to using smileys everywhere. Thanks to chatting! All in all,good or bad, all of us are somehow attached to online chatting..

       We all have quite happening lives and these days, we have developed the tendency to share our lives on Facebook! I keep pondering, what is it that keeps us so active on this website? The likes? The comments? The smileys? The hype? The responses? The encouragements? The publicity? Could be. I don't deny completely.

       I innately believe that its just the inner craving of you and me to express ourselves without any restrictions. We all have this urge of expressing ourselves, our happiness, our craziness, our childlike characteristics, our thoughts, our emotions and our beliefs. Each one of us wants to sing and dance and speak without hesitation about every thought that comes across our minds. May be this unavoidable human craving is the cement that builds the long and well-filled walls of our very own Facebook! Perhaps, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg must have discovered this long ago, no wonder he created such a successful and hyperactive website, which is almost a part of our lives now.

      Cheers to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg and his well established website! C ya on FB ;) :D


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